Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Why Dr. Neal Barnard Went Veg

Meatless Mouthful–Why Dr. Neal Barnard Went Veg

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 19th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Meatless Mouthful.

Dr. Neal Barnard

“I was assisting in autopsies, and we’d opened up the chest of a man who had died of a heart attack. Later, I went to the cafeteria and they were serving ribs for lunch, and the smell of it and the look of it really got me. It made me think about what I was really eating.”

Dr. Neal Barnard, Founder and President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), on what motivated him to go vegetarian, then vegan. When Barnard saw the amount of fat around the man’s ribs, it was clear he’d eaten a lot of saturated fat, the kind of fat found primarily in animals products, during his lifetime.

The PCRM advocates a vegan diet for health. Besides being published in several medical journals, Dr. Barnard is the author of several books promoting a vegan diet, including 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart and Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook.

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