Quantcast Vegetarian StarIna Garten Gives Vegan Italian Advice On “Barefoot Contessa”

Ina Garten was given the dishonor of having one of the worst cookbooks for healthy cooking by a physician’s group that advocates a plant-based diet.

If she ever wants to redeem herself, Miss Barefoot Contessa has the knowledge to put together a collection of vegetarian and vegan recipes, as she recently gave some advice to a man who needed to cook for his vegetarian girlfriend who was also lactose intollerant.

First, we have to get past Ina’s first suggestion of getting rid of the girlfriend.


Now that we’ve forgiven that remark, it’s time to learn what this former White House Nuclear Policy Analyst said.

“The first idea here is an antipasti platter,” Garten said. “The secret is you can put anything you like on it. So how about some roasted red peppers, artichoke hearts, delicious grilled cipollini onions, bunches of tomatoes and maybe some breadsticks.”

“Another idea is roasted eggplant capanota. It’s a delicious, spicy mixture of tomatoes and garlic, and of course eggplant. And it makes a fantastic first course, a party dip or as part of an anti [pasti] platter.”

If Andrew (the man seeking veg recipes for his girlfriend) makes either of these, he certainly won’t have the option of “losing the girlfriend” because once she tastes these, she’s not going anywhere!

Luckily, Garten has recipes for such dishes on the Food Network website.

Watch Ina in her glory at Gawker.

Photo: Therealbs2002/Creative Commons

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3 Responses to “Ina Garten Gives Vegan Italian Advice On “Barefoot Contessa””

  1. Katherine Says:

    Personally I can’t watch her show for more than 5 mins. (the whole contessa thing is really grating) but those sound like awesome dishes 🙂

  2. James Says:

    She grosses me out with her dishes and awful clothes… plus it is clearly seen by her body that she isn’t healthy. bleh!

  3. Lorraine Says:

    I love her recipes though! It always works beautifully!