Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Franti On Endangered Animals And Humans

Michael Franti, who mostly follows a vegan diet, is very outspoken on humanitarian and environmental issues, and uses his platform as a well-liked musician to bring about change.

For over a decade, he’s helped organize the Power To The Peaceful Festival, a concert held in San Francisco annually that raises funds for good causes.

He’s also helped collect shoes at his concerts for the charity, Soles4Souls.

Franti interviewed with Global Grind, where he touched on the topics of endangered species, both animals and humans living in poverty.

“Well I think it’s important for everybody, no matter what walk of life you come from, to do what you can to help your family and your corner of the world to become the best place that it can be,” Franti said. “So as a musician, I have an opportunity to reach people through my songs and through the things that I say and I don’t take that responsibility lightly.”

“Right now people say, for example, “Why should we care about climate change or who cares if one little squirrel becomes extinct or something,” and the thing is if you’re in an airplane and you have one rivet pop off the wing you can do without it, but can you do without a hundred or will the plane still fly without two hundred? And that’s where we are in the world today. It’s not just endangered species but it’s people who are lost and people who are endangered and countries are unstable and [experiencing] poverty. People think we can ignore it for a while but it ultimately comes back to our shores.”

More at Global Grind.

Photo: PR Photos

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