Quantcast Vegetarian StarSaber Toothed Vegetarian Animal Discovered In Brazil

Well, well, well.

Guess those canine teeth really weren’t meant for chewing meat after all.

Scientists have discovered the remains of a prehistoric animal in Brazil with 5-inch saber teeth. He was mean looking and may have scared other animals off, but he wasn’t interested in eating them.

Contrary to the teeth that are normally found in animals that tear meat apart, Tiarajudens eccentricus, was a vegetarian.

T. Eccentric (he wouldn’t mind a fellow veg calling him “eccetric” now would he), lived about 260 million years ago in what is now Brazil.

According to Juan Carlos Cisneros of the University of Piaui, instead of biting into meat, the dog-sized animal, probably used the teeth to fight other animals for resources like food and mates.

T. Eccentric was part of a group of animals called anomodonts, or “mammal-like reptiles.”

Researchers say the evolution of saber teeth is not common among plant-eating animals.


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