Quantcast Vegetarian StarFarm Sanctuary Created Burger King Veggie Burger In 25 Years Of Accomplishments

This year Farm Sanctuary celebrates 25 years of educating the public about animal welfare issues and pushing for reform.

In addition to its campaigns and acres of lands featuring free-roaming farm animals rescued from abused situations, Farm Sanctuary accomplished something significant to the vegetarian movement by convincing Burger King to put a vegetarian patty on the menu.

Originally David Kessler, an owner of a Burger King franchise, said convincing his corporate collegues to accept a vegetarian burger on the menu at his Berkley, California restaurant “was like turning the Queen Mary around in a bathtub.”

But the patty became a hit and drew more customers to the restaurant.

Eventually, the trend spread to BKs around the country.

Although its competitor McDonald’s sold veggie burgers in other countries, Burger King was the first to claim it sold the patties nationwide.

Committed to letting all its customers “have it their way,” Burger King makes accomodations to vegetarian customers who want their patty microwaved versus cooked on the grill with meat.

Photo: Moe/Creative Commons

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2 Responses to “Farm Sanctuary Created Burger King Veggie Burger In 25 Years Of Accomplishments”

  1. Vida Vegetariana Says:

    In Brazil McDonald’s sold a veggie burger that was supposed so be vegetarian. Unfortunately we found out that it was seasoned with chicken broth… Some costumers sued the company and won the cause.

  2. Katherine Says:

    I don’t normally like getting veggie burgers when I can buy and make my own at home (cheaper and without the microwave) but I do like being able to eat with my friends when we are out. So I am happy that Burger King, Farmer Boys, Bakers and Legends have veggie options 🙂 We need McDonald’s and In n Out to catch up!