Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons Says Vegans Can’t Sell Steak. What’s Your Veg Business Idea?

Russell Simmons is a well known vegan business man who’s created everything from record labels to clothing lines to bank cards.

Simmons is a dedicated Buddhist who often discusses how he incorporates his religious principles into business to ensure he’s doing good for someone versus just making a profit.

In his book, Super Rich, Simmons demonstrates this by using a story to about a steakhouse owner who leaves his restaurant to his vegan son. Both are good people who can be rewarded both financially and spiritually. But the son is enlightened and realizes harm is still being committed.

Similarly, Simmons uses his spiritual principles to drive his business, as he explained to Fox News: “The basis of our business practices is to make others happy; that’s how we get paid. The karmic responsibility falls on us that a lasting, stable happiness is what we give. You have a responsibility to give what you love and have faith in what you’re giving. The vegan cannot sell steak; you can’t do it. As you learn more, you give more. As you learn things that are less harmful to you, then you give the world less harmful things. All of this is a path toward being a good servant.”

Recently, VegNews featured an article on how vegans used their principles to start business that were funded through a platform called Kickstart. Kickstart allows startups to raise money from people all over the world.

Successful business ideas fulfilled through Kickstart’s donations include a vegan ice cream shop, a vegan musician’s new album and a vegan food truck serving vegan buffalo seitan wings.

What’s your vegan business idea you want Kickstarted?

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