Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartha Stewart Knows White Balsamic Vinegar

Martha Stewart Knows White Balsamic Vinegar

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 10th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Recipes.

Martha Stewart

Martha, Martha, Martha!

One of America’s most famous chefs knows a lot about meat-free eating.

Martha knows vegetarian sources of Iron. Martha knows Vegetarian Thanksgiving. Martha knows Meatless Recipes.

And now, the mother of a vegetarian and activist daughter proves she knows a great way to improve the taste of veggies with white balsamic vinegar.

Martha Stewart‘s column at Philly.com deals with white balsamic vinegar, a variety of vinegar said to be lighter in taste than regular balsamic vinegar. Unlike traditional balsamic vinegar, white is cooked under pressure to prevent caramelization and isn’t aged as long, giving it a white hue vs. the caramel color found in regular vinegar.

And Martha thinks this makes white balsamic vinegar perfect for all your green goodies!

“It’s ideal for sauces, dressings and dishes that traditional balsamic vinegar would discolor,” said Martha.

Martha knows vinegar, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get to know it as well.

Here are a few recipes containing white balsamic vinegar:

Photo: PR Photos

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