Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Oz Danny Seo Give Cheap Organic Living Advice With Recylebank

Dr. Mehmet Oz

Dr. Oz already knows his audience prefers the taste of organic produce to conventional.

So it’s no surprise that on a recent episode of his daytime talk show, Oz gave some tips to audience members on how to save big money and even get free organic goodies!

Green living consultant Danny Seo was also there to warn people to look out for instances where they might not think of buying organically, such as dried fruit and wine.

Recyclebank.com is a site that gives you the opportunity to earn rewards for recycling, referring friends or expanding you education on sustainable living.

The key is to look for certain products that have point codes on them. When you recycle the box and redeem your point codes, you get RecycleBank points which go toward discounted and even free items.

Currently, Reyclebank is offering 15 points for recycled Kashi cereal boxes.

Besides buying organic produce is season, buying all thin skinned produce like strawberries is a good idea, as well as buying organic when it’s in season, then freezing for later.

Photo: PR Photos

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