Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Offers Funds To Edgar Allan Poe Museum In Exchange For Vegan Advertising

PETA Edgar Allan Poe

The Tell-Tale Heart of a museum that’s had its budget cut may be open to a pro-vegetarian group advertising veganism in exchange for funding.

PETA has offered to help the Baltimore city-owned Edgar Allan Poe Museum with its operating costs in exchange for placing a sign promoting veganism in the building that reads, “The Tell-Tale Heart of a Meat-Eater. Don’t be Haunted by Bad Health: Go Vegan. PETA.”

A total of $85,000 was slashed from the city budget, leaving museum officials searching for funds that must be set by 2012 for the historic site to remain open.

Although the museum is strapped for cash, the Committee for Historic and Architectural Preservation is unlikely to approve the PETA deal due to rules regarding advertisements. “It is also inappropriate within the tiny house, where display space is already very limited,” said the director of city planning. “The exhibits are devoted to Poe.”

The museum is the former home of Poe’s aunt and the poet lived there for a few years until age 26 before he moved to Richmond, Virginia.

The ad plays upon Poe’s famous poem published in 1843 that follows a narrator who insists he’s still sane after murdering an elderly man.

via Baltimore Sun

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