Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Jesse Eisenberg Cauliflower Gratin

Jesse Eisenberg

Think chickpeas only appear in hummus?

Think again!

Last week we brought you Dave Moss’ recipe for vegan vegetable soup, a recipe he created based on what Ted Danson might eat. Moss has also created a dish worthy of a million Facebook “Likes” as this one was meant to represent the culinary tastes of Social Network’s Jesse Einsenberg.

Einsenberg has been vegetarian for a little over half a decade and worked with several animal rights organizations.

This cauliflower gratin mixes chickpeas in a dish with the cruciferous vegetable. Although you may be used to seeing the paler version of cauliflower, it also comes in orange, green and purple.

Are you a fan of the Einsenberg Cauliflower Gratin Page?

Try this recipe out and share on your facebook profile.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Meatless Monday Recipe–Jesse Eisenberg Cauliflower Gratin”

  1. Susan Says:

    He’s one of my favorite actors and now that I know this I like him even better. He rocks!