Quantcast Vegetarian Star“USA Today” Says Flexitarians Top Marketing Trend In 2011

A recent USA Today article lists appealing to those who flex eat as a top marketing trend in 2011.

Under a heading titled, “Flexitarians R Us,” the online component to the newspaper states that 47% of consumers are trying to reduce their meat intake and explains who the most flexible people are.

According to Cathy Schneck, vice president of marketing at Kellogg Frozen Foods, which produces MorningStar Farms vegetarian frozen foods, it’s women in their mid-forties.

More than a majority of Kellogg’s customers are interested in reducing their meat intake–75%.

In March, the company will launch soy breakfast items featuring Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuits and Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuits for around $4 for a box of three biscuits.

When Allrecipes.com took a survey to find out why people are eating less meat, the majority of respondents cited health concerns, with costs and environmental impact also taking the top 5 reasons.

Numbers like 47 and 75 percent are powerful. Dabbling in vegetarian and vegan eating has become more than a fad or lifestyle practiced by those in an insular world where everyone bikes, recycles and sews their own clothing. Let’s do the math. Two part-time vegetarians equals one whole. If trends like these continue, we can look forward to a world where most of us are veg, in some form or another.

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