Quantcast Vegetarian StarSteve Aoki Gets Arrested In PETA Anti-Fur Ad

Steve Aoki Gets Arrested In PETA Anti-Fur Ad

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 3rd, 2011 in Directors and Producers, Fur.

Steve Aoki PETA Ad

Steve Aoki is a clothing entrepreneur and music producer that can put working with Will.I.Am and Travis Barker on his list of former clients. Now, Aoki can add anti-fur activist to his resume.

Appearing in an ad more modest than what some of his predecessors posed in, Aoki says he’d rather be arrested than wear fur.

“I’ve been a supporter of PETA ever since I got turned on to animal rights when I was 14,” Aoki said. “After reading Ingrid Newkirk’s book in high school, PETA became more and more an influence throughout my adolescence. Now over 15 years later, I am still a supporter and proud to be a spokesperson for peta2.”

We’re applauding his decision to speak against fur, but have to wonder if his dad’s marketing has rubbed off on him in the worst possible way.

Aoki’s father is the founder of Benihana Japanese Steakhouses. Growing up, Aoki didn’t do much eating there.

In an interview with Dance Music, Aoki said, “Growing up, I was vegetarian for fifteen years. So first of all they had a steakhouse, and I just recently started eating meat. I just was never really interested in being part of the restaurant business at all.”

Maybe his recent activism for animals will reignite his palate for the plant side.

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One Response to “Steve Aoki Gets Arrested In PETA Anti-Fur Ad”

  1. Itziar Says:

    Love Aoki, would like to see him declaring himself as a Vegan