Quantcast Vegetarian StarNatalie Portman’s Recycled Ring Is Part Of Growing Trend

Natalie Portman

Sure, you may have read the headlines that Natalie Portman‘s ring was $35,000. But you don’t need to use a year’s salary to afford a similar ring that’s certified conflict-free and uses recycled materials. And more people like yourself are opting for ethical and eco-friendly materials to symbolize their love.

Natalie Portman's Ring

Jennifer Gandia, the owner of Greenwich Jewelers in Tribeca told the New York Daily News about 6o%-70% of her clients come to her requesting rings made from recycled or reclaimed materials.

“The ring is a symbol of love and commitment and something that the bride will have forever,” Gandia said. “People don’t want this symbol to be connected with something that harms the earth or causes suffering or funds something illegal.”

Brilliant Earth and Artisan Wedding Rings are two companies online that make rings from recycled materials.

Besides purchasing a ring made with recycled materials, there’s also the option of buying a secondhand ring from places like eBay, antique shops or pawn shops. Hey, the rising divorce rate is good for something, right? If you can’t keep the love going, let’s keep passing the chain of materials around to save resources.

Photos: PR Photos

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