Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Project Runway” Winner Gretchen Jones Writes For Eco Website

Gretchen Jones "Project Runway"

Gretchen Jones was the “Project Runway” season 8 winner who came determined to stick to green designing ways when the competition got tough on the runway.

Jones was known for using low-impact dyes, locally sourced materials, organic cotton, bamboo and other eco-friendly materials such as soy, a fabric derived from the process of manufacturing soy food products.

Jones is expanding her resume and is writing a regular column for the popular online green website, Ecosalon.com.

Jones has written 3 posts so far. Each entry will describe the fashion inspirations she receives from visiting different areas of New York City, where she recently located.

During her most recent post, Jones reiterates her stance on why she herself chose to use green materials on Project Runway even when the judges expressed doubt.

“What makes a good designer great is their ability to listen to their own creative voice and intuition, rather than the public or mainstream.”

You can read more of Gretchen’s thoughts at her EcoSalon column, My Designer Life.

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