Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoe Jonas Makes Another Stop At Vegan Restaurant

Joe Jonas

Joe Jonas must have loved his visit to Top Chef to taste samples from the challenge-winning Brontasaurus team that could only make dishes using plant ingredients because he recently treated himself to another vegan meal at Los Angeles vegan restaurant Real Food Daily.

Did he get his favorite veggie burger like the last time he visited?

Both the tempeh patty and burger with the works sound good, but if you can’t make it to California to try one, what’s the best burger to cook at home?

You may want to consider choosing from the list of those made without hexane, an EPA recognized air pollutant and toxin, that soybeans are sometimes emerged in to separate the oil from the protein. This is usually done with products containing “soy protein isolate,” “soy protein concentrate,” or “texturized vegetable protein” that aren’t organic. Organic products can’t contain hexane, but a product made with only a few organic ingredients can.

According to Mother Jones, here’s a list of already made veggie burgers that are hexane-free.

  • Boca Burgers “Made with organic soy”
  • Helen’s Kitchen
  • Morningstar “Made with organic”
  • Superburgers by Turtle Island
  • Tofurky
  • Wildwood

Photo: Paige’s Concert/Wikipedia Commons

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