Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Dairy Dream Come True–Human Cheese Is Here

Heather Mills once backed a campaign to replace cows’ milk at Ben and Jerry’s with human breast milk.

Now, a New York University graduate student has created a human cheese product that has been taste tested by real people.

Will it be long before Mills’ acquires the right to produce “PeopleCheezly” and other mom’s milk products at her natural foods company, Redwood Wholefood?

Mirium Simun told Grist:

“Human cheese is initially a pretty shocking concept to most people. In that way its a great conversation starter — people very quickly bring up all sorts of different issues. I’ve had questions come up like, is it OK for a vegan? Is it empowering or exploitative of the woman? Is it dangerous, or actually healthier? Many people feel uncomfortable because they don’t know the woman, or what she is eating — but how often do you know the cows whose milk make your cheese, and what they are eating? The sustainability question is great, too, a lot of people totally get it, they love that I’m using human extracts to make human food, while others think of cannibalism.”

Before you form an opinion, take a look at the finished product and check out the available flavors below.

Human Cheese

Mmm. Delicious?

Currently, Simun uses a blend of human and goat’s milk, but the purists may get their chances soon.

The milk was obtained from a woman in New York, who helped flavored the “City Funk” variety and a woman from…you’re not going to believe this…Wisconsin–the dairy state!

In addition to City Funk, the human cheese blend comes in Wisconsin Bang and Sweet Airy Equity. Read their tasteful descriptions here. Simun’s interview with Grist here.

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2 Responses to “Heather Mills Dairy Dream Come True–Human Cheese Is Here”

  1. Katherine Says:

    Somehow seems more disgusting than cheese from cows or goats.
    And probably makes vegans look even more crazy to people who already don’t understand the lifestyle/diet.

  2. Lee Anne Devine Says:

    Very, very, may I say very disgusting. Humans are to be at the top of the food chain and are not to eat or drink one anothers milk production.
    This is like a shot gun blast off the charts in grossness factor. Sorry Heather, no go.