Quantcast Vegetarian StarSubway Offers Falafel Sandwich. Chipotle Drops Vegan Filling.

Some good veg things don’t last forever, and the same is true when some restaurants put vegetarian or vegan items on the menu.

Chipotle is pulling the vegan burrito filling from most of its Los Angeles locations, according to Quarry Girl, citing lack of demand.

On a good note, however, is the fact that Subway is and has been offering falafel in the Chicago area since September.

The addition has its own website, subwayfalafel.com as well as a Facebook page.

Not everyone is happy with the Middle Eastern delight sitting on top a $5 foot long. As you can imagine, some would rather have people eating greasy B.L.T.s or cholesterol packed cheese and mayo sandwiches or even better, the triple bypass burger. Steve Johnson at the Chicago Tribune wrote:

“But fast-food purveyors expanding our waistlines and their empires is hardly worth stopping the presses over. What is worth discussing is a more insidious problem: Too many of America’s fast-food emporiums are failing to stay in their place”

His article was not so much saying fast food establishments are required to only serve junk, but rather they’re branching out and offering too much variety–like a noodle restaurant offering sandwiches or a pizza place serving desserts.

But Subway knows its place. The falafel sandwich is still that–a sandwich. And a much needed change from veggies on bread, which is what most vegetarians are restricted to when they want to “Eat Fresh.”

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2 Responses to “Subway Offers Falafel Sandwich. Chipotle Drops Vegan Filling.”

  1. Krista Says:

    I live in LA and didn’t even know chipotle HAD a veg meat! i go the the one on ventura blvd often and not once have i seen a sign. i just get beans and veggies. they sure didn’t market this enough to ever decide that the response wasn’t good. I bet if they actually made a commercial .. lots of people would eat it! LA is filled with vegetarians!!!

  2. Katherine Says:

    I would love to try the falafel, but I’m in Southern Cali.

    Chipotle is decent, but for the price, and considering that the pinto beans are cooked in bacon (the black beans are vegetarian), it’s not all that great. I’m so sad that they aren’t expanding the gardein option. I was so hoping that it would be a success 🙁