Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnne Hathaway Is Commitment Shy Vegetarian

Anne Hathaway Is Commitment Shy Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 3rd, 2011 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Anne Hathaway

Fans that follow Anne Hathaway‘s diet (by reading about it, not snooping through her trash for DNA-laced wrappers you can sell on eBay) know she’s rumored to be an on again/off again vegetarian and vegan.

As of last May, she was roasting chicken. But a recent interview with Metro reveals she’s back on and standing up to the peer pressure of sushi.

“I’ve actually been a commitment-shy vegetarian since I was about 12. I wasn’t all that committed, to be honest, and then when I was in England filming One Day I don’t know what happened but I just didn’t want to eat meat any more. But I was still eating fish. And then I was sent a copy of Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals. I read it and that was it for me in terms of being able to eat fish – which is a shame because I really enjoy the taste but I just can’t support the way fish are farmed and caught. So when my friends say ‘do you want to go out and have sushi’, I go out with them and order my cucumber rolls and they’re, like, ‘really?’ No matter how tempting it is to have a delicious piece of sushi, I just can’t.”

More at Metro.

Thank goodness she doesn’t look at the diet as an all or nothing attempt.

Will Anne chicken out and start eating fish regularly again? Or is she ready to put a ring on it and say “I do” and commit to a diet that at least excludes animal flesh?

Photo: PR Photos

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