Quantcast Vegetarian StarKaty Perry Eating Tofu Turkey With Russell Brand This Christmas

Katy Perry Eating Tofu Turkey With Russell Brand This Christmas

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 23rd, 2010 in Couples, Food & Drink.

Katy Perry Grazia

Katy Perry Grazia

Katy Perry‘s on the cover of Italian magazine Grazia’s latest issue and inside she shares her plans for this holiday weekend’s dinner with newlywed husband Russell Brand.

“There will be me and Russ and a pink Christmas tree and a tofu-urky. We’ll open one present the night before because that’s the tradition in my family. And we’ll do something new. We’ll start our own new tradition because we are a family now.”

Could that new tradition include eating veg throughout the entire year and not just during the holidays?

The couple has reportedly also given up dairy at least until the end of the year and both have been eating a diet of plant-based proteins like tofu and raw vegetables to get in better shape.

What’s your veg tradition for the holidays?

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