Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Olivia Wilde’s Bomb-Diggity “Bolognese”

Olivia Wilde "Women'sHealth Magazine"

Olivia Wilde "Women'sHealth Magazine"

Tomorrow Olivia Wilde‘s Women’s Health cover hits the stands, and as much as men everywhere are excited about what’s on the outside, we’re bomb-diggitied about the recipe Wilde shares inside.

Wilde joked to a Flaunt photograher that she’d never be super skinny because of all the pasta she eats regularly with her Italian husband, and her Bomb-Diggity “Bolognese” shared with Women’s Health featuring tempeh for the “meat” might be what she dreams of getting fat off, which could still be hard given pasta is full of good carbs that give you energy and not love handles.

Bomb-Diggity “Bolognese” is packed full of fresh herbs like basil and Italian parsley, overflowing with veggies like zucchini, mushrooms, garlic and carrots and with a touch of vegan butter to make the experience more rich.

“Eat this with any kind of pasta you love or with fresh arugula leaves,” Olivia said. “You won’t miss the meat!”

Find out what you’re missing by not making this veggie bolognese. Grab the recipe printed online at Access Hollywood.

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One Response to “Meatless Monday Recipe–Olivia Wilde’s Bomb-Diggity “Bolognese””

  1. Ducan Says:

    I’m sure this tastes fantastic, but I wouldn’t call it a bolognaise. Not just because it uses tofu, but also the addition of zucchini and mushrooms.