Tommy Lee Asks SeaWorld To Release Its Sex Tapes
Written by Vegetarian Star on December 10th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Male Musicians, Videos.
Tommy Lee and SeaWorld have been at words in the media during the past week in a controversy over the marine park using the whale that killed a trainer last year to collect semen. Doing so puts other trainers at risk, as they have contact with the animal that was supposed to never have interaction with humans after a string of several incidents.
After Lee accused SeaWorld of using an “artificial vagina” to masturbate Tilly, the park fired back saying no such apparatus existed. Now, Lee argues he has proof and in a new letter to the organization, refers them to such a video on YouTube, along with statements made by a former worker. He also invites SeaWorld to allow him and PETA to tape the current methods for obtaining semen, if the old ones are no longer in use.
“Former SeaWorld scientist John Hall says in this article, “Early in the morning, the animal-care crew would take hot-water-filled cow vaginas and masturbate the males in the back tanks.” In this YouTube video, SeaWorld trainers demonstrate semen collection by standing in shallow water next to an orca and grabbing his penis until he ejaculates into a plastic bag.”
“Linda Simons, SeaWorld’s former health and safety director, confirmed to PETA that trainers are in fact in the water with Tilikum when masturbating him. When she asked about safety concerns with this, the response was, “This is how we’ve always done it.””
“To settle this, how about PETA and I come to SeaWorld and videotape the process, and then people can decide how natural it is? It might make your dramatic news releases about a new orca pregnancy or birth less appealing, but the public deserves to know. And they’ve undoubtedly never seen a sex tape like this.”
The current sex tape available, which demonstrates the artificial vagina being used, can be viewed here.
Photo: PR Photos
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