Quantcast Vegetarian StarPink And Carey Hart First Child Named After Vegan Whiskey Jameson

Pink and Carey Hart

Some parents name their children when they’re under the influence (of alcohol, epidural or whatever). Pink and her husband Carey Hart have decided to name their first child after the substance that causes tipsiness.

Pink told Access Hollywood, “My dad’s name is James, and my brother’s name is Jason. [Carey and I] are both Irish, Carey’s middle name is Jason, [and] Jameson – we like whiskey. That’s a no brainer.”

For those that worry about the well being of a child that’s named after alcohol, have no fear. Little Jameson is already on the cool list cause he’s named after vegan whiskey!

We’ve said this before–live sober vegan, live drunk vegan. Or something like that. Point is, you can’t go swishing down something either made with or refined with animal products like isinglass from the bladders of fishes.

Our favorite vegan alcohol checklist, Barnivore, has been in contact with Jameson Whiskey and we’re happy to report the folks aren’t thinking about adding animal products to the formula.

From a recent company email to Barnivore dated May 2010:

“Jameson Irish Whiskey is suitable for vegans. No animal products of any description (including milk, eggs, honey, gelatin, isinglass etc) are used in the manufacture of Jameson.”

Rock on little vegan whiskey baby!

Photo: PR Photos

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