Quantcast Vegetarian StarDonna Karan Facebook Page Brands Her A Bunny Butcher

Donna Karan Facebook Page Brands Her A Bunny Butcher

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 30th, 2010 in Fashion, Fur.

Donna Karan‘s Facebook fan page was taken over by a few animal rights activists yesterday, who logged into their accounts, changed their icons to a big, bold, black letter corresponding to a derogatory statement by the designer and wrote on her wall.

The protest was staged to draw attention to the designer’s decision to use rabbit fur in some of her collections, especially since she has promised to stop using fur in the past.

The words “DK Bunny Butcher” greeted any fan who visited the page.

A website maintained by the UK Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade gives a description of what took place during an undercover investigation at one European rabbit farm.

“Some animals were killed on the farm by being hit over the back of the head with a heavy stick before having their throats slit. Commercial slaughterhouses stunned the rabbits with electrical devices and again slit their throats. At one slaughterhouse filmed by CAFT, at which 9,000 rabbits were killed each day, rabbits were held in crates piled eight high in view of those being slaughtered. Covered in faeces and urine from rabbits in crates above them, some were clearly still alive as they bled to death.”

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2 Responses to “Donna Karan Facebook Page Brands Her A Bunny Butcher”

  1. serena Says:


  2. Alicja Says: