Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Kim Barnouin Curry Tofu Egg-Less Salad

Curry Tofu Egg-Less Salad

Curry Tofu Egg-Less Salad

The staples of a vegan egg salad are easy to get down. Tofu, some vegan mayonnaise and a spice for that yellow coloring eggs give, like turmeric or curry.

Kim Barnouin, who prefers Nasoya vegan mayonnaise, chose to put curry in this vegan egg salad recipe she created that’s found in her new cookbook, “Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook.” Curry, she notes on her blog, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This has been shown in both research and anecdotally. One doctored recalled that when his patients vacationed in India and ate the curry-rich dishes popular in the region, their arthritic pain decreased.

"Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook"

"Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook"

Besides health, could curry make a great alternative to a condiment? Kim thinks so.

“Prior to going vegan, I couldn’t eat my morning eggs without a side of ketchup,” she writes. “The two might as well have been sold as a boxed set in the grocery store. Tofu replaces eggs in this recipe, and the anti-inflammatory properties of curry make it a healthy alternative to processed ketchup.”

Is curry the new ketchup? Before dipping your fries in curry paste, try curry in your tofu in the recipe at Barnouin’s blog, Healthy Bitch Daily.

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One Response to “Meatless Monday Recipe–Kim Barnouin Curry Tofu Egg-Less Salad”

  1. Laura Says:

    That egg salad looks amazing! I’m not vegetarian, but sometimes I really enjoy a lighter salad, without meat.