Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Ellen DeGeneres Club Sandwich

You know exactly who you are.

You never went vegetarian or vegan because you hated the taste of meat. The smell of Thanksgiving turkey still makes you salivate and walking past the steakhouse gives you fantasies that make you feel a bit naughty.

However, there’s no reason to feel guilty about a craving you never give into. And because you know there’s such an abundance of fake meat out there, you never will.

Ellen DeGeneres regularly features vegan recipes on her website and the recipe or her Club Sandwich is meant for former carnivores who’ve taken a turn for better ethics, yet aren’t turning away from taste.

The Club Sandwich features vegan whole wheat bread and mayonnaise, stuffed with vegan turkey or chicken (may we suggest Tofurky deli slices) and vegan bacon (Lightlife Smart Bacon or Tempeh bacon strips will do the trick), avocado, lettuce and tomatoes.

This sandwich makes a good warm-up tool for those trying to introduce meat eaters to vegetarianism or veganism, a hearty dinner or a great lunchbox filler for school or work.

Visit Ellen’s website for the Club Sandwich and other recipes.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Meatless Monday Recipe–Ellen DeGeneres Club Sandwich”

  1. Linda M Says:

    Love Ellen, do not love Ellen supporting and working for Cover Girl who does Animal Testing and is owned by Proctor & Gamble.