Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrigitte Bardot Considers French Presidency After Sarkozy Fails On Animal Rights

Brigitte Bardot is considering running for French president, stating she’s unhappy with Nicolas Sarkozy‘s policies on animal welfare. According to the Washington Post, Bardot told the Associated Press, “Sarkozy took me for an imbecile by making promises he didn’t keep.”

The 76-year old former actress, vegetarian and animal rights activist is considering a bid for the 2012 election on the Ecology Alliance Ticket.

One such Sarkozy policy she’s in disagreement with involves Muslim slaughter practices she considers inhumane, something Bardot says Sarkozy reneged on outlawing.

Bardot wants to make it law to give animals anesthetic before their throats are slit in preparation for Halal meat.

“No matter whether it’s someone from the political left or right, we just need a voice to stand up and defend animal rights,” Bardot said.

Her potential political career isn’t just a notion in her head. The Eco Alliance Party is already aware of her intentions and has said it will happily accept her nomination.

“We think she is the best person to represent us for the presidency,” Ecology Alliance party chairman Antoine Waechter said. “If she accepts, a final decision will be taken next year.”

Photo: cdrikB06/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Brigitte Bardot Considers French Presidency After Sarkozy Fails On Animal Rights”

  1. Chris Graham Says:

    I think she’d be great! Because, after all, there is nothing else a president does other than enforce animal-cruelty laws. It’s not like you need to know what’s going on around the world and how to handle it. It’s not like you need any experience or anything. BARDOT! BARDOT! BARDOT!