Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnna Getty “Easy Green Organic” Goes Against Author’s Eating Grain

"Easy Green Organic" Anna Getty

"Easy Green Organic" Anna Getty

Anna Getty‘s cookbook, Easy Green Organic, doesn’t necessarily mirror her own tastes in food or her hard set beliefs about making food purchases. The actress calls herself a flexitarian, but is more comfortable with vegetarian cooking, often eating vegan. She leans so much towards plant-based cooking, she was forced to ask for help in creating meat dishes because the publishers of Easy Green Organic, Chronicle Books, didn’t want the book to be vegetarian.

And just because “organic” is in the book title, doesn’t mean she looks down upon those who aren’t flocking to Whole Food every Saturday.

“I like Jamie Oliver’s approach, because his focus isn’t on organic, it’s on getting people off really toxic food, like fast food and preservative-filled processed foods,” said the great-granddaughter of J. Paul Getty in an interview with Organic Authority.

“Right now we have a garden — and I realize not everybody in the world can have a garden, but if you have even a terrace, you can grow something — and we’re eating 85 percent out of our garden. Our expenses for organic food have gone down a lot because we’re growing our own food. If you want to eat well and be healthy, there are so many different options now, and you can make a big difference even if it’s committing to just one thing. Like if you drink a lot of coffee from 7-Eleven because it’s cheap and good, commit to buying organic coffee because coffee beans are heavily sprayed. Little baby steps are important.”

Getty’s book includes a section on sustainable farming and why greening the kitchen is important and is rife with recipes using seasonal vegetables, sweet fruit and vegan-friendly dishes such as cold sesame soba noodle salad, Pan Fried Tofu Squares with Sweet Chile Sauce.

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