Quantcast Vegetarian StarIllinois Governor Pat Quinn Put Veggies Harvested By Local Kids On Mansion Menu

Michelle Obama visited Illinois’ governor Pat Quinn at his home where she received a beautiful gift green in color and health.

Quinn gave Mrs. Obama pictures of his garden at the Springfield mansion, where he is employing children to plant and harvest the green goodies. But don’t call his political opponents for mudslinging material, as this isn’t a child labor violation, but rather part of Mrs. Obama’s push to get children outside and involved with their food. It’s also a great way for Quinn to get his vegetables, as he won’t turn down what the kiddies create.

The Chicago Sun Times reported a source told them, “The governor had kids do the gardening as per Mrs. Obama’s Green initiative, but, to be honest the governor isn’t much of a vegetable guy . . . except for carrots.”

“So the gov had the kids’ veggies inserted on the mansion’s menu — which he used as an incentive to eat his greens.”

Utilizing sweet, innocent children as a guilt trip for eating greens? Sounds like the perfect plan as no decent human would turn down broccoli handpicked by little Johnny.

Incidentally, this guy is up to speed on all the green initiatives, as the Springfield mansion is set to receive solar panels soon.

If there isn’t a little one to force you into garden submission, check out several other ways to get more vegetables into your diet, such as drinking them–as beverage or soup.

Photo: Chris Eaves/Creative Commons

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