Quantcast Vegetarian StarVanilla Ice Ice Veggie–Vanilla Ice Goes Vegetarian For Cholesterol

What made Vanilla Ice decide to drop burgers for curries and veggie pizza? A cholesterol number that was way too fat and not in the “ph” way.

The rapper who’s been avoiding meat for three and a half years said, “I had high cholesterol. You know how some people can have a bunch of cheeseburgers and get high cholesterol? Mine was hereditary. I tried being vegetarian for three months, and it brought my cholesterol from over 300 to 133 without drugs.”

Impressive. Nice to put a face behind those studies where the data showed vegetarians rarely have abnormally high cholesterol.

Vanilla Ice, who’s real name is Rob Van Winkle, said contrary to how many people lose weight after embarking on a vegetarian diet, he actually gained a few pounds. This was because he replaced his steak with lots of cheesy pizza. He referred to the phenomenon as “pulling more pizza” because he was trying to avoid eating meat.

Of course, Van Winkle now realizes there’s a world of vegetarian food that doesn’t involve a pie-carrying delivery boy that you have to tip.

“But, boy, there’s a lot of good food out there, like curries and sauces. It opened up a whole new menu to me. I love it.”

Word. (To your mother and anyone else who hasn’t tried this diet yet.)

via Express Night Out

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Vanilla Ice Ice Veggie–Vanilla Ice Goes Vegetarian For Cholesterol”

  1. 8 Surprising, Under-The-Radar Vegetarian Celebrities Says:

    […] rapper went vegetarian a few years ago because of his high cholesterol. Which is, like, the least hardcore thing ever. But awesome. Good job, Vanilla […]