Quantcast Vegetarian StarJuliette Lewis Knows Coconut Milk Is The Most Addictive White Stuff

Oh, no. The life of stardom has turned Juliette Lewis into an addict who can’t break the habit of the white stuff. The coconut stuff, that is.

“Since I’m a health freak, it’s my crack,” the actress told New York Magazine of coconut milk, before getting her fix of a smoothie with extra coconut and hemp protein.

Thankfully, coconut milk is both legal and readily available for purchase in the non-seedy parts of town during the daylight hours. One brand you might see regularly in natural foods stores in Thai Kitchen. Originating in Thailand, the excellent non-dairy substitute is made from pressing ripe coconuts and adding nothing else–no preservatives or chemicals.

Since coconut milk isn’t a naturally low-fat liquid, a lighter variety exists in the Thai Kitchen brand with 60% less fat and calories. There’s also a 95% organic can for the health food purists.

Normally thought of as a base for pastas and soups, coconut milk can actually be a valuable ingredients to several types of dishes.

Here are just a few of the dishes we found using coconut milk from the popular and mostly vegetarian recipe blog, 101 Cookbooks.

  • Soups–Coconut Red Lentil, Thai-Spiced Pumpkin
  • Desserts–Fantasy-Ish Fudge
  • Curry-Cashew Curry, In A Hurry Green Curry
  • Rice–Purple Jasmine Coconut Rice
  • Breads–Coconut-Maroon Pancakes, Roast Banana Pumpkin Breakfast Bread, Toasted Peanut Bread
  • Veggies–Nikki’s Sweet Potatoes
  • Salad-Spring Roll Salad
  • Pasta–Slurp-Tastic Herb Noodles

Photo: PR Photos

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