Quantcast Vegetarian StarChristine O’Donnell Chose Meatballs Over Religion (Video)

WASHINGTON - SEPTEMBER 17: Christine O'Donnell, Delaware's Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, on stage at the Values Voter Summit on September 17, 2010 in Washington, DC. The annual summit drew nearly two thousand people to advocate for conservative causes. (Photo by Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images)

Delaware Republican candidate for Senate Christine O’Donnell has made some controversial headlines in the news for her comments about topics such as sex, masturbation and now meat. Thankfully, the last term has never been grouped with the first two.

O’Donnell, who now is a conservative Christian, has an interview from 1999 with Bill Maher where she discusses the many different religions she tried before committing to Christianity. The only thing that kept O’Donnell from becoming Hare Krishna was the fact she didn’t want to become vegetarian.

Some transcript notes from the interview:

O’Donnell: “I was dabbling into every other kind of religion before I became a Christian.”

Maher: “You were a witch!”

O’Donnell: “I was! I was!”

Maher: “You were.”

O’Donnell: “I was dabbling in witchcraft. I’ve dabbled in Buddhism. I wanted to become a Hare Krishna but I didn’t want to become a vegetarian. And that is honestly the reason why – because I’m Italian, I love meatballs.”

Maher: “Boy, are you spiritual

Granted, in O’Donnell’s days, prepared vegetarian food was harder to come by, so unless she knew how to make her own, it must have been discouraging having her faith tested by the lack of veggie, soy or seitan “wheat” balls in the grocery’s freezer like Veggie Patch Meatballs, Mon Cuisine Kosher veggie meatballs or Nate’s Meatless Meatballs.

Today’s meat-loving Hare Krishna, however, doesn’t have to think twice about compromising. The video of O’Donnell and Maher can be viewed below.

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