Quantcast Vegetarian StarCharlotte Ross Shares Her Dreams For Animals–Better Farming, Adoption

Charlotte Ross was in attendance at PETA’s 30th anniversary gala, but the NYPD Blue actress supports several other animal rights and other organizations, including the Humane Society of the United States and the Jane Goodall Institute.

Ross shared with Celebrity Baby Scoop that her dreams are to have better conditions for farm animals and have more shelter animals adopted instead of euthanized.

“Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, is not the issue. My fight is for all animals to have a very basic and fundamental right which is to live a healthy and torture-free life. To let animals ‘live’ in crammed cages where they can’t move, turn around or feel the sun is inhumane. And, many facilities don’t put their very sick or dying animals out of their misery but, instead let them die a slow, painful death and then have the nerve to throw it on our dinner plates. These farming practices should be outlawed.”

“Lastly, my dream is for all local animal shelters to be no-kill. The amount of loving, healthy dogs and cats that are put down everyday brings tears to my eyes. Do you know that many shelters still practice grouped gas euthanasia?? Horrendous. I’m currently producing a documentary on the issue. Please, adopt from your local animal shelters and save a life.”

Although she didn’t mention it here, Ross doesn’t want animals’ skin being used for fashion either. You can find her nude body on t-shirts from Urban Outfitters which urge fashionistas to shun clothing containing fur.

Photo: PR Photos

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