Quantcast Vegetarian StarTop 10 Reasons To Enter To Win Earth Balance Soy Milk From Vegetarian Star

Earth Balance Soy Milk. Credit: Earthbalancenatural.com

Earth Balance Soy Milk. Credit: Earthbalancenatural.com

Reasons to enter Vegetarian Star’s contest to win Earth Balance Soy Milk

10. You’re too old to be drinking milk that came from a nipple.

9.  You are a devoted Earth Balance consumer and why you’d love to put their vegan butters on your cornflakes, soy milk just sounds a little saner.

8. It’s vegan

7. It’s got Alicia Silverstone‘s pretty face on the carton.

6. It’s got Alicia Silverstone’s favorite recipes on the cartons, next to her pretty face.

5. You live near a Whole Foods, where the product was exclusively launched. It’s jokingly called “Whole Paycheck” because of the prices, but when you’ve got a coupon for 1 free carton, you can keep that check in your pocket and cash it next week.

4. It comes in different flavors-plain, vanilla and chocolate. There’s also an unsweetened version.

3. You like being a part of history. Earth Balance soy milk is the first non-GMO Project Verified Soy milk on the market.

2. It’s organic.

1. Click here to enter to win and gives us one more reason why you should be drinking Earth Balance soy milk.

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