Quantcast Vegetarian StarMyq Kaplan–“Last Comic Standing” Opened Doors For Vegan Interviews

Myq Kaplan

Myq Kaplan

This past season, Myq Kaplan gave Last Comic Standing viewers a tickle with his self-deprecating jokes and quips about veganism here and there. Myq didn’t win the grand prize, but stood for quite some time, making it into the finals and getting good reviews from blogs.

Myq spoke to VegNews about the benefits of appearing on Last Comic, including joking how it’s “opened a lot of doors for interviews with vegan magazines.”

VN: What was your relationship like with the other contestants? Did you ever discuss veganism with them?
MK: I’m pretty friendly with everyone on the show. I believe veganism comes up every so often, at mealtimes and the like. If people ask me questions, I answer them. I generally try not to force the issue at all, but if people are curious, I like providing reasonable amounts of information.

VN: Do you think that by being on Last Comic Standing you’ve introduced more people to veganism?
MK: I think society is definitely becoming more aware of it regardless, maybe more on the coasts than in the middle. But if I’ve reached people who haven’t ever thought about it, then great. I know that some people have a knee-jerk reaction to the topic, as though anything a vegan says is going to be patronizing and disdainful to other lines of thinking, so I do my best to try and undercut that. I can generally just be myself and say the things I believe, and hope that people listen and understand.

More at Vegnews.

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