Quantcast Vegetarian StarMaroon 5 Mickey Madden Says Band Is Vegan Friendly

Maroon 5 Mickey Madden Says Band Is Vegan Friendly

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 12th, 2010 in Bands, Food & Drink, Male Musicians.

Mickey Madden

VegNews magazine interviewed Maroon 5‘s bassist Mickey Madden and learned about his journey to veganism as he gradually gave up animals products, starting in high school. These days he finds it easy to keep up what he started as he says all the band members are supportive of his diet, making it easy to eat well on the road. Oh, and that Tweet sent by Adam Levine on aiming to be a vegetarian after the steak indulgence–it probably doesn’t happen too often, as Madden says Levine is 85% vegan.

“We’re all extremely health-conscious and everyone is really vegan-friendly. Adam [Levine], the singer in the band, in particular will eat, I’d say, about 85-percent vegan for health reasons. All the band members are meat-eaters, but they’re not close-minded and [they] understand the principles of veganism. It makes a big difference. It’s so strange, I obviously have reasons that relate to the world at large for my veganism, but it’s so much a personal choice and a matter of personal preference that I’ve never understood the reaction to it that some people have.”

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Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Maroon 5 Mickey Madden Says Band Is Vegan Friendly”

  1. Adam Levine Gets Naked For Prostate Cancer Awareness « Female Imagination Says:

    […] does practice what he preaches. Fellow band member Mickey Madden, who is vegan, said Levine eats about “85% vegan” for health […]