Quantcast Vegetarian StarKatie Holmes–A Real Life Vegan Who Admires Paul McCartney?

Katie Holmes–A Real Life Vegan Who Admires Paul McCartney?

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 11th, 2010 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Katie Holmes

Sure, Katie Holmes may play a vegan working for an environmental magazine in her new movie, The Extra Man, but does the actress bring her own tofu scramble to the set on films?

According to one source, Holmes is a vegan in real life who goes gacca for Macca.

When she met Sir Paul McCartney in Toronto, she was starstruck.

“Katie said she was a huge fan and Tom was really disappointed at missing out. She is a vegan and backs a lot of the same campaigns as Sir Paul. Little Suri didn’t really understand who he was though.”

If this is true, Tom Cruise can relax and have a seat on Oprah‘s couch. We’ll do the jumping up and down for him.

Photo: PR Photos

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