Quantcast Vegetarian StarMorrissey Chimes In On Queen’s Guards Wearing Real Bear Fur Hats

Morrissey wrote a letter to the UK Times praising Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe for unveiling footage of an undercover investigation of black bear baiting and hunting  and denouncing the practice of killing Canadian bears to use their fur to line the hats worn by the Queen’s Guards.

“Sir, I welcome Ann Widdecombe’s views on the depravity of bear-baiting in order to serve the vanities of the British Army Guards (Opinion, July 30). In the humanised world, of course, hats are not worth killing for. Yes, animal rights move different people differently, and there are even those who think that animals simply have no right to be, but there is no sanity in making life difficult on purpose for the Canadian brown bear, especially for Guards hats that look absurd in the first place, and which can easily be replaced by faux versions (thanks to the visionary Stella McCartney) with no death involved.”

PETA’s website titled Unbearable Cruelty, says that during a bear hunt, as many as 1 in 7 are not killed immediately and left to suffer a slow death and that some Canadian provinces have no rules about killing mother bears when there are still existing cubs to feed.

It takes approximately 1 bear to make a single hat, but PETA has recently proposed using a synthetic material developed by Stella McCartney, bear28, which has passed water repellency and other quality tests the MoD has been concerned with in the past with other synthetic suggestions.

Photo: PR Photos

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