Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell “Issues”– Ex NASA Worker Against Primate Radiation Experiments

Jane Velez-Mitchell

Vegan HLN anchor Jane Velez-Mitchell will host an ex NASA scientist tonight on her Issues With Jane Velez Mitchell show.

April Evans quit her job in development for NASA after learning about the agency’s radiation experiments on monkeys, something NASA officials say is necessary to assess risks to astronauts when they’re flying around the Earth’s orbit.

“I began to feel guilty that I was part of an organization doing this,” Evans said in the Houston and Texas Chronicle.

Evans has since corresponded with animal rights groups People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and Animal Defenders International to tell her story. She now spends her days working to campaign against these experiments.

It’s interesting to know that although NASA defends its use of radiation on primates, the European Space Agency does not conduct research on these creatures and has no plans or interest to.

In a letter dated April 1 formally stating the position of the European agency, director Jean-Jacques Dordain said, “there is absolutely no research interest or planning for experiments with primates.”

Issues With Jane Velez Mitchell airs tonight at 7 p.m. ET. on HLN.

Photo: PR Photos


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One Response to “Jane Velez-Mitchell “Issues”– Ex NASA Worker Against Primate Radiation Experiments”

  1. Paul McCartney Speaks Against NASA Radiation Experiments With Monkeys Says:

    […] this summer HLN journalist, Jane Velez-Mitchell hosted an ex NASA employee who quit her job in development after learning about the experiments that the European Space Agency has no interest […]