Quantcast Vegetarian StarStella McCartney Could Design Queen’s Guards Faux Bear Skin Hats

Stella McCartney is proving once again she’s an ethical leader in the fashion industry by proposing to design the hats worn by the Queen’s guards, according to The Telegraph. The hats are traditionally made from bearskin, but PETA is set to meet with Peter Luff, minister for defence equipment, support and technology, to discuss a faux alternative they say meets rigorous standards for waterproofing and warmth.

The technology that could make this happen is called Bear28.

“I’ve been working on this with Peta for a few years now and am really happy with the final product, as I hope the MoD will be when they see it,” McCartney said.

Dan Matthews, senior vice president for the animal rights group said that water repellency tests carried out in 2005 on the MoD prototype failed on water absorption levels. Those same tests were applied to the faux hat PETA is proposing and passed.

The faux hats would be cheaper than bearskin and 230 grams lighter.

A spokesperson for the MoD said, “The MoD remains open to testing material that industry might offer us to asses whether a faux fur meets the requirements for a replacement bearskin hat material. So far industry has not been able to produce a suitable material to meet the Guards’ requirements.”

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One Response to “Stella McCartney Could Design Queen’s Guards Faux Bear Skin Hats”

  1. Morrissey Chimes In On Queen’s Guards Wearing Real Bear Fur Hats Says:

    […] takes approximately 1 bear to make a single hat, but PETA has recently proposed using a synthetic material developed by Stella McCartney, bear28, which has passed water repellency and other quality tests the MoD has been concerned with […]