Quantcast Vegetarian StarZac Brown Of Zac Brown Band To Sell Vegan Spicy Ginger Marinade

Zac Brown
Zac Brown of the country music Zac Brown Band must have heeded PETA’s advice when it suggested months ago he offer vegan food at the band’s “Eat and Greet” sessions.

If you recall, the band, who’s famous for their song “Chicken Fried,” initially responded to the request on Twitter with a “Dear PETA – Plants are living creatures too… Bacon had a mother but so did Pickle. It takes life to support life – welcome to the planet.” Moments later, another Tweet surfaced that said, “Chicken is the new tofu.”

Now, Zac Brown is boasting his new spicy, ginger marinade is vegan. What’s next? Seitan Fried Steak.

The singer invited Parade magazine backstage to sample some goodies, including a marinade Zac is hoping to sell in the future. It’s already clear this guy has more talents than vocal when he published a cookbook, “Southern Ground,” last year filled with recipes like “Blue Ridge Mountain Cornbread” and “Sinful Coffee Dessert Dip.”

Zac said he chose to keep the marinade vegan because it’ll last longer on the shelves that way.

“I used coconut milk as the base so it will remain creamy but can last for long periods of time in the stores,” he told Parade. “I’m almost there, but I think it’s just a little too much ginger on the back end. I’ll get it”

A country boy with a knack for making marinade without dairy milk? Things are about to get saucy!

Photo: PR Photos

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