Quantcast Vegetarian StarOzzy Osbourne On Organics And How To Ease The Price Pain

Ozzy Osbourne has joined us by embracing a mostly vegetarian diet, but he doesn’t have the kindest words to say about organic food prices.

“If you can feed a big family a bucket of KFC for 10 bucks then you’ll do that. Not everyone can afford the healthy, organic shit they say were meant to eat.”

He’s got a good point. Chowhound did a little experiment to assess the cost difference between eating conventional and eating organic on a week’s worth of groceries. The total cost of the conventional shopping list came to $136.31 while the cost of the organic totaled $199.78–about $65 more.

Typical items bought were already made breakfast ones like waffles and sandwiches and soups. Chowhound, however, did buy organic meat versus opting for vegetarian protein.

17 Tips for Buying Organic On The Cheap gives some sound advice for those on a budget who don’t want to stand in line at KFC.  One of the first tips is doing your research. For example, you may not realize the Mom and Pop’s store on the corner has organic lettuce and that can save you the trip of traveling across town to Whole Foods. Similarly, the convenient store next to work might sell cheap, organic whole wheat pasta.

Shopping at the farmers market, joining a co-op or buying club are ways you, your family and the community can ease the price tag pain together. Buying in bulk and in season also helps so that you can afford that “healthy, organic shit” we were meant to eat.

Photo: PR Photos


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