Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Otarian’s Radhika Oswal On Sustainable Eating

NEW YORK - APRIL 14: Otarian owner Radhika Oswal attends the grand opening celebration of Otarian, the planet's most sustainable restaurant, on Bleeker Street on April 14, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images for Otarian)

“Vegetarian food is the most sustainable food in the world. We need to think about our future generations and the sustainability of the earth. Each and every individual consuming an Otarian meal makes a small but meaningful difference to the planet and all its inhabitants. And if one Otarian meal saves a kilogram of carbon emissions and grain, or a litre of water or oil, imagine the cumulative benefits of Otarian eating.”

Radhika Oswal, founder and owner of Otarian, a chain of vegetarian fast food restaurants with the most recent addition launched in New York City. Oswal is of course giving her restaurant a good plug, but there’s data that shows her combo meal of a Tex Mex Veggie Burger and Choco-O treat protect the planet with a far greater reach than McDonald’s golden arches do.

University of Chicago researchers compared the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of five diets–average American, red meat, fish, poultry and vegetarian–averaging 3,774 calories a day.

The vegetarian diet was the most energy efficient, followed by the poultry and the Average American Diet. Fish and Red meat diets tied to be the least efficient, with fish losing points due to the trips made to harvest some species.

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