Quantcast Vegetarian StarFood Network “Unwrapped” Features “Xan Confections” Vegan, Gluten-Free Sweets

Why is our approval rating of the Food Network rising? Hmm..There’s this reason. And that one. And now, one more vegan friendly company, Xan Confections, will be showcased on the nationally televised show, Unwrapped, this weekend on July 17.

Unwrapped is a show that traces the origins of food from the very first speck of flour, and Xan Confections will detail how chocolate expert and director of research and development Tracey Downey created unique dairy and sometimes gluten-free sweets, such as the non-dairy ancho chili caramel, containing Alderwood smoked salt and ancho chili flavoring. There’s also six flavors of the signature vegan Jewel caramels–coconut pecan, espresso almond, butterscotch snickerdoodle and bananas foster.

“My passion is creating intriguing, delectable chocolates and our ancho chilli jewel is one of our more provocative delights,” said Downey. “We are thrilled to introduce this unusual product to Food Network viewers across the country.”

“The Food Network segment will be wonderful national exposure for Xan and help boost its already steady growth,” said Susan Johnson, CEO of Xan Confections. “Spending the day filming with the ‘Unwrapped’ film crew was a treat itself.”

Xan Confections will be featured on Unwrapped Saturday, July 17th at 10 PM ET/PT with repeat airings after that. For more information on Xan Confections, visit the company’s website.

Photo: Xpopx/Creative Commons

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