Quantcast Vegetarian StarVida Guerra Serving Veggie Chili Dogs In D.C.–National Veggie Hot Dog Day

Vida Guerra

Singer and former Playboy magazine model Vida Guerra will be handing out vegetarian chili dogs to the hungry, politically active in Washington, D.C.’s Rayburn Courtyard, located at the corner of Independence Avenue S.W. and First Street S.W., tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon to celebrate National Veggie Hot Dog Day.

Guerra will be dressed in a chili pepper bikini so the food won’t be the only item hot on Capitol Hill.

“In my business, looks can make you or break you, and nothing has helped me stay fit, trim, and energetic more than kicking the meat habit,” Guerra said in a statement, according to The Hill. “The best way to safeguard your health, reduce your carbon footprint, save animals’ lives, and look your very best is to go vegetarian.”

Photo: PR Photos


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