Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Fabulous Beekman Boys” Kill Porky And Bess Pigs “Humanely”

Beekman Boys

Beekman Boys

Summertime and the living is no longer easy.

Porky and Bess, the pigs reared by The Fabulous Beekman Boys, Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Dr. Brent Ridge, the stars of Planet Green’s show about two gay farmers,  have gone on to to piggy heaven, making a short stop in the bellies of the couple.

Fans are outraged that the slaughter was shown on a recent episode, especially given the fact they were forced to see the faces of the dead pigs once seen full of vibrancy.

But that’s just “humane” farming.

On the show’s Facebook page, fans gave their opinions on the matter. Yes, it was known all along the Beekmans raise their own food so eventually all the pets would be eaten, but the reality may have never sank in for some people.

“I have watched this show from the beginning and after last night’s episode, I was so disgusted, I had to turn it off,” one fan wrote. “A lot of my friends have said the same thing and will stop watching the show like me. It is a shame because all of us really liked the show.”

“This is an emotionally charged issue, but I come down firmly on the side of family farmers who raise meat locally and humanely,” wrote another. “I would rather see an animal live a happy life as pasture bred and then killed for meat than see it die of disease or predators, which is what happens to most farm animal pets.”

We’d rather just go buy some faux bacon made from tempeh, but what about you?

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One Response to ““The Fabulous Beekman Boys” Kill Porky And Bess Pigs “Humanely””

  1. joan jay Says:

    Oh fer feck’s sake! Food is food. Anyone who has watched the Beekman Boys must have known from the beginning that the piggies were being raised for food.
    How do you know that an ear of corn isn’t screaming some silent scream upon being plunged into boiling water?
    What makes you think that radishes wouldn’t rather remain stuck in the soil until they “die” of old age?
    Is there any veg that would actually enjoy the trip through the human digestive system?
    Eat cheese? You’re eating living organisms. Same goes for yogurt.
    Stop your trendy whimpering and eat your supper, or you don’t get dessert.