Quantcast Vegetarian StarDirt Candy’s Amanda Cohen Wins Best Faux Foie Gras

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Amanda Cohen, chef and owner of  vegetarian restaurant Dirt Candy in New York city, has received PETA’s prize of $10,000 for creating the best tasting vegetarian dish to taste like real foie gras.

Cohen beat out 37 other chefs for the top prize for a substitute where geese aren’t painfully force fed through tubes until their livers swell several times the normal size.

Cohen’s vegan version of foie gras is a mushroom mousse, made with portobellos, soy milk, vegan margarine, and onions, and has been on Dirty Candy’s menu for awhile.

It’s a safe bet humans will voluntarily stuff themselves with this appetizer until their bellies expand in size.

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