Quantcast Vegetarian StarDennis Kucinich “Right To Know” GMO Bill Motivated By Alfalfa Seed Ruling

Dennis Kucinich

Ohio representative Dennis Kucinich has introduced three bills meant to educate and protect from the presence of genetically modified organisms in a product, H.R. 5577–The Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act, H.R. 5578–Genetically Engineered Safety Act and H.R. 5579–Genetically Engineered Technology Farmer Protection Act.

H.R. 5577 would amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the Federal Meat Inspection Act, and the Poultry Products Inspection Act to require any food containing GMOs or produced with genetically engineered material be labeled accordingly.  H.R. 5578 would prohibit the open air cultivation of genetically engineered pharmaceutical or industrial crops, while H.R. 5579 would provide economical protection for farmers that may be harmed from genetically engineered seeds, plants or animals.

The proposed legislation was motivated partly from a recent Supreme Court ruling that allows experimental planting of genetically modified alfalfa seed before environmental review is complete.

Kucinich said in a statement about the ruling, “Today the Supreme Court ruled that when it comes to genetically modified organisms, we as consumers, have to wait until the damage is done and obvious, before we can act to protect health and the environment, even if that damage could be irreversible.”

“Haven’t we learned from the catastrophe in the Gulf of the dangers of technological arrogance, of proceeding ahead with technologies without worrying about the consequences? Why do we continue to throw precaution to the wind?”

Kucinich has introduced similar versions of the bills in previous sessions of Congress.

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