Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Meet The Shannons” Creators Interview On Vegan Betty Crocker Project

Betty Crocker Cookbook

Betty Crocker Cookbook

Awhile back, you learned about Dan and Annie Shannon, a couple at Meet That Shannons that is trying to veganize every recipe in the Betty Crocker Cookbook. The Betty Crocker Project started out as way to document the trials of doing so in 365 days, but the Shannons are taking more time to savor every meat and dairy free moment in order to create the best tasting dishes.

Kiss Me, I’m Vegan had the chance to interview them both.

KMIV: What inspired you to create the Better Crocker Project? What kind of influence are you hoping to have with this project?
Annie: The Betty Crocker brand has a well deserved reputation as being the very best at teaching American amateur chefs how to use products and ingredients to their full potential. When we were putting together this project, we really wanted to help people see how easy it is to be vegan, and that you really can make anything vegan once you know the tricks.

Dan: Mostly I just like to eat a lot.

KMIV: Okay – you’re stuck on a deserted island with three vegan food items – what are they?

Annie: Jars and jars of olives, garlic bread, and artichokes… What? I told you I’m REALLY Italian.

Dan: Falafel, french fries, and coffee. I know coffee isn’t a “food” per se… but if I can’t have coffee, my third item is hemlock for self-termination.

Read the entire interview at Kiss Me, I’m Vegan.

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