Quantcast Vegetarian StarKelis The Carnivore Father Strict Vegetarian

NEW YORK - JUNE 09: Singer Kelis attends ELLE's inaugural event celebrating the July Women in Music issue at Highline Ballroom on June 9, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for ELLE Magazine)

Kelis doesn’t win any popularity points among vegetarians and animal activists for a whole bunch of reasons, specifically, having no problems wearing fur on her head. But it’s interesting to know that this PETA hater who calls herself “the biggest carnivore” grew up with a father who preferred tofu to tilapia.

“I guess he wanted me to be too,” Kelis says in The Guardian about her strict vegetarian father, “but my grandmother gave me a chicken doner and it was all over – I became a meat-eater, full-on. Zero guilt. My last supper would be a charcuterie smorgasbord with every kind of meat, and sauces to dip them in. When I get through this album’s cycle I want to develop a Kelis sauce range. I’m a saucy saucier.”

Yeah. We won’t be dipping our seitan fingers in those.

The singer has made it clear she has no plans to follow in his footsteps as an adult and says she believes people should be free to make their own decisions.

“I’m like the biggest carnivore; I eat a plate of meat. I don’t need anything else. I enjoy it that much. I believe in live and let live.”

Unfortunately, Kelis’ attitude of “live and let live” doesn’t apply to the animals on her plate.

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One Response to “Kelis The Carnivore Father Strict Vegetarian”

  1. Melanie Corzo Says:

    This is difficult for me because I do agree with her, we shouldn’t force our opinions on other people. Just like I would hate avid Christians coming up to me and telling me I’m a bad person because I don’t believe in Jesus. So, I do understand her view point. We shouldn’t judge eachother.

    But at the same time, animal welfare is an important issue and I don’t think she recognises that. She seems very close minded.

    But I still enjoy her song “my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard” haha