Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Harper “The Biggest Loser” Coach Goes Vegan

Bob Harper “The Biggest Loser” Coach Goes Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 15th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Reality TV.

The Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper enjoyed a ride through the streets of Los Angeles, California on May 24, 2010 in his classic Porsche. Fame Pictures, Inc

The Biggest Loser coach Bob Harper has stepped up his veggie eating game and gone completely vegan!

The once vegetarian who was a big loser in his cholesterol numbers–100 points–after dropping meat recently told VegNews that dumping all animal products from his diet has improved his health even more.

“I enjoy living a plant-based diet because it makes me feel clear headed and strong, not to mention my genetically high cholesterol dropped more than 100 points. That was all the motivation I needed.”

Harper, who has criticized high animal protein diets as a way to lose weight, recommends Biggest Loser contestants either follow a vegetarian diet, or one that is mostly plant based while competing on the show.

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2 Responses to “Bob Harper “The Biggest Loser” Coach Goes Vegan”

  1. Bob Harper Olivia Wilde PETA Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrities 2010 Says:

    […] reality TV show, The Biggest Loser, Harper spells sex with a capital “S.” He recently revealed he’d gone vegan and he encourages contestants on the NBC show to adopt at least a mostly vegetarian diet to reach […]

  2. Jen Micheals Says:

    I’m happy to say that this show has helped me lose 20 pounds last year. It really is deeply motivational. If only I could afford Jillian to be my trainer! She’s amazing.